Buy West Eat Best @ CC


So over the past few years we have been collecting suppliers and making amazing connections within the industry. WE have chatted, sourced and tasted our way through what Perth and the greater surrounds have to offer. We had a great experience down in Manjimup the other week for the Truffle Kerfuffle and had a great time meeting local growers and suppliers to Perth and beyond. After having these conversations this has opened doors and avenues to other suppliers and we have begun gathering locals and business within our area or locale to work and partner with.

This has not only given us access to some of the most amazing produce but with an almost non existant carbon footprint or only a few food miles on some relationships. Having met growers who are literally down the road and delivering to our backdoor.

For some of these prtoducts they do come in a bit more expensive, buyt as we grow it gives us the chance to not only work with produce that is fresher than most and second to none, but we can alos pass on these amazing products and services in the form of our food and service.

With relationships we have struck up with people such as the Mushroom guys just outside of freo doing amazing things with fungus and selling incredible products to restaurants and caterers alike. Tiny Greens Co. who are delivering fresh microherbs weekly for garnish and flavour.

Local egg farmers (free range of course), local veg growers, all of which are great if we can source food pulled out of the ground down the road as opposed to tomatoes coming over from the eastern states as some fruit and veg suppliers will use, as an example.

This leads us to believe that there is a change coming and we can lead the way into using local and promoting local food and services to benefit everyone involved. Not just for the betterment of our business, but for the improvement of hospitality across the board.